(Written for The Round Farmhouse Ministries and published on 18 October 2023)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)

Personally, I have never been a real fan of autumn. Despite the fact that throughout the fall season, God provides us with a rich and colourful tapestry of changing leaves and an abundance of harvests that will provide for bleaker times ahead, I have always felt a sense of sadness and melancholy. The days grow shorter, the temperatures cooler, and to me, the vitality of nature seems to dry up. But what I have previously failed to observe is that autumn is a season where, as time begins to slow a little, thoughts turn to quietude and reflection and thanksgiving. Without realizing it, in my resistance to change, I was missing out on the God-given delights that we experience with the transformation of seasons. I was completely missing the gifts that are wrapped up in the new season.
"The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest." ~ Psalm 85:12 (NIV)

Sometimes, we can be blind to subtle details by letting our emotions rule our thoughts. Resisting change is a common feeling for many of us because we let our fear of the unknown embrace us. Instead of consciously looking for God's blessings in every aspect of our lives, we allow negative thoughts and feelings to get in the way of experiencing God's glorious gifts that come through change. But, our walk with Jesus requires us to trust Him completely. Just as the 10 lepers were required to draw on their faith when the Lord commanded them to go show themselves to the priest before any outward sign of healing, so too must we trust that what comes from change will be filled with blessings if we're willing to look for them.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” ~2 Corinthians 5:7 (CSB)

And so, as I open my heart and welcome change, I can now see that autumn is truly a season filled with new beginnings. As a new school year begins, many sports leagues and other fall activities begin a new season, and nature prepares for its new season of rest and dormancy, a sense of comfort envelopes me and I am reminded that through change, the cycle of life is a gift from our Heavenly Creator.
As the lyrics of this beloved 19th century hymn express, our praise goes to our Lord for the beauty and blessings that come from the changing seasons.
Sing to the Lord of harvest,
sing songs of love and praise;
with joyful hearts and voices
your alleluias raise.
By Him the rolling seasons
in fruitful order move;
sing to the Lord of harvest
a joyous song of love.
~John S.B. Monsell, 1866~

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Hallelujah!” ~ Psalm 150:6 (CSB)
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